Back with a bang.

If you want something, do it.

If you want something to happen, make it happen.

We are only held back by things that we can get out of-no matter what it is.

And what I realised is that the more excuses you set yourself,the further you get from what you want to be.

Your mind is your biggest enemy from as far as I know-but when you start pulling from your heart, your mind isn't far to push you to go.

If you want someting to happen it'll happen, I'll say it again.

Life is a statement of event that consists of opportunities-the last thing you want is missing one and not learning,missing one and both earning.

I'm telling you, pray hard for the things you want and I'm sure your soul will follow.

Speak to Allah and I'm sure He will listen

And if you feel like nothing is going right, let me tell you that life pushes you in all directions until you find the one that's the right one.

And when you know it's the right one, your mind will lead and your heart will follow.

Just be patient.

Dont compare your life to others.There's no comparison between the sun and the moon, they just shine when it's their time. :)


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